Thursday, February 3, 2011

And we're back!

Hi everyone! (well, family and friends)

I'm back from South Africa-- pictures to follow. It was a remarkable time with family- even my grandmother and grandfather, who think Noah is awesome. We're just settling into being back- back in the snow- and preparing to move house on Saturday. So forgive this garbled post.

Boston has had absolutely insane amounts of snow this winter, but I liked the sense of wonder the emergency people seemed to have in the articles describing the latest snow-ice-terror. They just seemed really surprised that there hadn't been any injuries, given all the roof collapses. I liked the grace-receiving humble tone, like they couldn't take credit, and they'd long since given up trying to control the mess that is Boston this year.

As we prepare for our move just 3 days after getting back from SA, and with a jetlagged and sick little baby, I'm really into that "well, by the grace of God" tone. And I look forward to writing more in the next few days. Stay warm!


Dan Archibald said...

Yay, welcome back! Yeah, it snowed a little more while you were away.

Bobsie Hunter said...

so sad Noah is sick. Hope he is better soon!