Saturday, December 1, 2012

Taking a Break

I wanted to let you know I'll be taking a month-long break from Concrete Gardener. I've been unsure about my tone and what to write about for the last while so I thought I'd let things sit and see what happens. Hope to see you back here in January- may your December be awesome!


Darren said...

Enjoy Your Advent season. Hope your blogging sabbatical is relaxing and renewing

Unknown said...

Enjoy the break :)

Glad to hear you sorted out the mites - my parents had a similar horror experience with them a few years ago... Started with a cute little nest on their air-conditioner, turned into scratching in the middle of the night after the cute little birdies had left the nest :P

Huge clean-up to get rid of them all, really, really nasty stuff!