Friday, June 21, 2013

Adventures in Seoul

Noah and Eli have adjusted to the time difference, more or less, and to living in a Korean apartment block in Bundang.

I've started to write about our time here a bunch of times, but for some reason I tend to descend into some generalisms about Korean society, about which I tend to be a judgmental jerk. I figure no-one, least of all me, needs that. So here are some pictures, which I hope show that our adventures have been good, and that we're looking forward to being home next week. These are just from James, my bro-in-law's phone, which shows how amazing phones have become!!?

There's a playground at the bottom of my mom-in-law's building. Strange because there's no dirt. But Our Kids still manage to get dirty.

On the train. It's amazing that you can spend 90 minutes in the train and still be within Seoul.

The kids favourite thing in Seoul has been this fountain, in the center of the city. It's been hot and this has been the best place to cool off.

It would be funny if they were joking, but it's even funnier because I'm pretty sure they're not.

eating in a box (Eli is just happy he was invited). You can see the high-rise apartment blocks in front of my mom-in-laws: they're clusters of 20-30 of the same apartments all together. 

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