Saturday, September 20, 2008

Giving to Change

Jo Hunter Adams

Giving to Change is now available here!

This is my very first, very short e-book, and is 100% free. I wanted to share some of our experiences this past year, where my spouse and I have been learning how to give financially for personal and social change.

It's a pretty small file, so you shouldn't have a problem downloading it to your computer. I've been trying to work out how to make a pdf freely available and I can't upload it to this site, so I had to use a free hosting site. Once you get to the hosting site, you'll click "download file."

If you don't feel like downloading a file, let me know and I can invite you to view through google docs. I would use google docs exclusively, but unfortunately it requires individual invitations.

Thank you so much for your support!

1 comment:

Bobsie Hunter said...

Please invite me to view on google docs can't read the downloaded file on the site you gave. Sorry & thanks.