In honour of the fact I'm going to have to write a dissertation consistently using South African spelling, I thought I'd better start now.
Noah has suddenly started talking with a vengeance. He's started to copy everything we say. Which means I need to stop calling him Tiny Evil Monster. I suppose I should never have said that in the first place. Oh well... He can now say Baaftime (bath time) and foot, in addition to his favourite words, Cheese and Eug (Which sound the same, but it's like Chinese, you know the meaning from the context). He woke up this morning, climbed over Eug to get to me, and proceeded to talk to me about his eye and his foot. Riveting.
I haven't known what to write recently, as I have a ton of posts scheduled but they seem a little contrived for the moment that we're in. We've almost emptied two (of 6, including the kitchen and bathroom) rooms of stuff, and we find ourselves sitting on the floor more. You can check out our ridiculously long list of stuff here. It just keeps growing.
I go through different stages with our upcoming move: I'm simultaneously very happy and quite sad. Emigrating/immigrating feels very different with a family. It can be quite grueling to go through waves of change, but a friend had a helpful word- that Eug and I are on a roller coaster but we're just on for the ride, we're not doing any real work. And in good moments, that's what it feels like for us. So, more soon. Once we're in South Africa, it'll be all about solar panels, granadillas, lemon trees, pomegranate trees, and figuring out how to keep our house together.
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