Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Banana Bread In a Minimalist Kitchen

I was able to get about 3kg of bananas for R5 at Fruit and Veg city: the catch was that they were browning fast. Still, I've been wanting to bake and in the absence of a mixer, measuring cups, bread pans, baking sheets, muffin pans, baking powder, white sugar, and most other things one needs to bake, I haven't done much of it.

Forgot to take a picture until we'd dug in.
Banana bread was  possible without all those things. I could eyeball the proportions in this great recipe. I doubled the recipe so that it would fit in the roasting pan and use up 8 bananas, and used some brown sugar, though not as much as the recipe called for. And the result was really good.

Extraneous picture of Noah

So, the good news for those of us with less-equipped kitchens is that baking is possible!

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