Monday, February 4, 2013

Jumping in on the deep end (call us if you want freshly roasted coffee in Obs)

If you have an hour, check out this video, available free (Password STW2013) until February 12th. Though quite heavily edited to make a point, it brings together something the ways that consumerism, sustainability, social justice and mainstream education are all profoundly intertwined.

Today, we bought Eli's weight in coffee. Single-origin, Columbian, fresh from this season, green beans.  We're hope to sell some, give some away, barter with some, and hopefully be supplied ourselves.


Peter Yoo said...

Hey guys!
I'd love to get in on some of the green coffee beans. Let me know how I can get some shipped out to me... Let Eug know I can paypal him funds.

Concrete Gardener said...

Peter! I'm so silly, I should say somewhere that we're pretty local- I think if we sent beans from South Africa they would no longer be freshly roasted yet would be super expensive (because of the shipping costs being so ridiculous internationally).

Which means you just have to come visit with Sarah, Nathan and Katie- what do you think?